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  • "Expect the unexpected"
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181 Mini Photocatalyst Mosquito Lamps
181 Mini Photocatalyst Mosquito Lamps
181 Mini Photocatalyst Mosquito Lamps
181 Mini Photocatalyst Mosquito Lamps
181 Mini Photocatalyst Mosquito Lamps

181 Mini Photocatalyst Mosquito Lamps


Regular price Rs. 748.00 Rs. 187.00 75% OFF


Simple, safe solution to kill mosquitos in any room - including a child's bedroom or nursery

: This hygienic,mosquito killer lampattracts and kills mosquitos without the use of smoke, harmful chemicals or dangerous high-voltage equipment.

Unlike other similar units, our lamp uses 6 environmentally friendly, low-voltage LED's to attract flying mosquitos.

For maximum attraction, the LED's also cause a harmless catalytic compound to release a tiny quantity of natural carbon dioxide into the air.

With no fumes, smoke, heat or high voltages, this is a safe and effective way to deal with mosquitos in your home.

With an ultra-low power consumption of around 2.5 Watts our LED mosquito killer lamp is cheap to run and great for the environment


  • Attract and capture mosquitoes
  • Attract and killing house flying
  • Get rid off harmful gases, purifying air, fashion and high efficient
  • Safe and nonopoisonous, green and environment protected

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